
Recovery Readiness: Reopening Your Greater Cleveland Workplace

As the nation continues to discuss plans for lifting stay-at-home restrictions, there is no doubt that the coming weeks and months will be a critical period of time. American workplaces will be tasked with adapting to unprecedented health and safety concerns with a “6 Feet Office” as furloughed and work-from-home employees return to the physical office.

A mishandling of this process could create genuine risk for commercial real estate landlords, tenants, building maintenance staff, and employees who work onsite. Open communications and a shared responsibility for the health and safety of everyone who uses the property will be the keys to success. 

Many of our clients have sought our guidance and expertise as they begin to make plans for navigating this process. Our 30-page comprehensive how-to guide dives into the details that every building owner and employer should consider before reopening their office space. 

This guide addresses key issues such as preparing the building for reopening (including deep-cleaning and sanitation recommendations), mitigating workforce anxiety, and maintaining social distancing practices in the workplace.  

We also discuss 6 tips for reducing the frequency of physical contact with surfaces in the workplace, issuance and proper handling of PPE, and other directly relevant protocols. Each of these recommended practices puts public health and safety at the forefront. View our “safe six” checklist

Our ultimate goal is to help every Greater Cleveland business facilitate a safe, efficient, and effective workplace reopening. As we gain new information and insights over the coming weeks and months, we look forward to sharing even more ideas to help your business move through unfamiliar territory with confidence and success.

CRESCO believes that a health-conscious office workspace is at the center of what’s next after COVID-19. Questions? Need help? Please let us know!

To learn more about how CRESCO, Greater Cleveland’s leading commercial real estate company, can help you with your property needs, contact us at 216.520.1200, or fill out the form below. A CRESCO professional will contact you shortly.